computer Multiple Choice Questions 2023 Information Assistant 2023

List of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to computer history objects:

Who is known as the father of computers?

a) Steve Jobs

b) Bill Gates

c) Charles Babbage

d) Alan Turing

Answer: c) Charles Babbage

The first computer to be invented was called:




d) ABC

Answer: d) ABC

Who is credited with inventing the World Wide Web?

a) Tim Berners-Lee

b) Vint Cerf

c) Grace Hopper

d) Ada Lovelace

Answer: a) Tim Berners-Lee

Who is credited with creating the first computer language?

a) Ada Lovelace

b) Grace Hopper

c) Charles Babbage

d) Alan Turing

Answer: a) Ada Lovelace

Which was the first personal computer to be introduced to the market?

a) Apple I


c) Altair 8800

d) Commodore PET

Answer: c) Altair 8800

The first graphical user interface was introduced by:

a) Steve Jobs

b) Bill Gates

c) Xerox

d) Apple

Answer: c) Xerox

Who invented the first computer mouse?

a) Steve Jobs

b) Bill Gates

c) Douglas Engelbart

d) Larry Page

Answer: c) Douglas Engelbart

Who invented the first programming language for computers?

a) Ada Lovelace

b) Grace Hopper

c) Charles Babbage

d) Alan Turing

Answer: b) Grace Hopper

What was the first successful personal computer game?

a) Pong

b) Space Invaders

c) Pac-Man

d) Donkey Kong

Answer: a) Pong

Who invented the first computer hard drive?

a) Steve Jobs

b) Bill Gates

c) IBM

d) Seagate

Answer: c) IBM

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